search only happens once. You step to the start line maybe with a slight pause
and then proceed into the search area with your dog leading the way. The search
you have just entered will never be repeated again, you and your dog will gain
some bit of learning from that search and if you ran it again and again, it
would be different – conditions, pace, knowledge, etc. This is what makes each
search a dynamic process. The dynamics are captured in video and it is very exciting
to view the video that has started to be taken at trials for purchase by
competitors. Most of us don’t have photographic or eidetic memory, and even for
those who can remember much of what they do during a search it is unlikely that
you would remember everything.
Did you start reaching for a treat before you
called alert?
Did you move in such a way to restrict your dog’s
path to odor?
Did you allow your dog access to every container?
Did you have a pattern, or did you look like you
had a pattern in covering the search area?
the analysis of each search I often think of what I could change, and the one
thing I keep coming back to is that I can only change “me”, well the choices I
make the next time. It is not easy, either, replaying the search and thinking
about what area I didn’t cover for example is not always a simple question. The
video is the best challenge to this hindsight analysis within our minds. It
gives us a series of imagines that go far beyond an eidetic memory. What video
can’t show is what we are thinking in each moment, but that is probably less
important that observing what we are doing in each moment.
we get to the deconstruction of the video lets describe a successful search. For
NW3 one factor is missing, we are not told the number of hides ahead of time –
I would pose that a successful search is any search that we work with our dogs
and find 1-3 odors and call finish (or call finish after finding no odor if it
is a clear room). Note; I’m not sure it makes the search any more successful if
we find all the odor there is to find, that only matters for the possibility of
a title at the end of the day for NW3. I’m twisting it a bit but most of us
would agree that if we called a “false” then we would immediately feel that
would not have been a successful search. Why because we no longer have the
opportunity to get a title? It’s only when we are given the knowledge of how
many hides were present in each search area at the end of the day that we can
determine with 100% confidence that we miss something or found everything. So I
would say that if we complete each search, where the handler/dog team find and
call correctly as many hides as possible in a given time limit and call finish
– we have successfully completed that search. Now don’t get me wrong, come the
end of the day if we missed a hide – I might reevaluate the success of that
search – but that is in hindsight after being given all the information. Some
days we(handler and dog) will be at our best and find all the hides and title
and some days we will be not at our best and miss, false and not title or maybe
just by chance or maybe our dog carried us that day and we will title anyway.
immediate evaluation of the search directly after can be a tough place on the
day of trial, if you are doing back to back searches then if you replaying the
prior search you might lose focus in the next one. That is something that you
might need to change. Working to get ourselves refocused before every search
can be important for the outcome we are seeking.
after about 50 trials with all my dogs I have started to get the trial video
on a consistent basis. With just a few videos of Atlas(2 Elite trials) and the first few videos of
Bailey and I working(2 NW3s and now our first Elite), I can know start some objective criticisms of the choices
I’m making in trials. I’m struck by the snap shot of the video, it’s a narrow
focus but not quite as narrow as the trial photos. In the past I would spend
time after trial photos were posted looking through all the dogs and wondering
if the handler positioned them selves out of choice, pattern or something else in each
photo. I would look at how the dogs communicated each hide and sometimes review
photos from trials I haven’t even attended to see if I could read when the dog
was working odor versus not working odor. Here is the one search (NW3 from
February) – if you don’t know the outcome watch and see if you can decide if it
is successful, both by your definition and by mine. Did we find all the hides? https://youtu.be/7euIsTZWEVo
Normally I might ask myself if I covered all the containers although I don't think that is always necessary, or if I pulled my dog off any containers? If you get the chance to get trial video of your runs, I think it can be a very valuable tool as part of our training. Could I have called finish sooner? Did it look like from reading my body language that I knew where the hide was that I didn't call the first time? I have a whole set of questions that I have started to compile for each video I watch. Now the most difficult assessment is not to be to hard on myself of the choices I made in the moment of the trial search. This process is also not meant to distract me from the next trial, but instead to find the success and see if there are opportunities to improve, to see the dynamics of each search and to learn for my choices. In the end the only chance to run that search again is when I press play on the video.